We are (Chipper and Chris) a Swimrun team based in Northern California. We are good friends, new-ish dads, training buddies, adventure seekers, accountability partners, and endurance “athletes.” With the blessing of our wives we have competed in everything from road marathons to Ironman triathlons to ultramarathons to double century cycling events to local turkey trots. We started participating in Swimrun events in 2018 and got hooked right away and thus, the Löw Tide Böyz were born! (The show and meme account were born in late 2019)
Our dual goals for putting ourselves out there with starting a podcast were to help grow the sport of Swimrun in the United States/The World while striving to make it as accessible, inclusive, and diverse as possible in the process.
So far, so good!
Team Race History & Upcoming Race Calendar
March 29, 2018, California Swimrun
August 12, 2018, Swimrun USA Casco Bay (Long Course)
March 1, 2020, ÖTILLÖ Catalina (Long Course)
November, 8, 2020, Ödyssey Swimrun Austin (Long Course)
August 8, 2021, Ödyssey Swimrun Casco Bay (Long Course)
September 26, 2021, Ödyssey Swimrun Orcas Island (Long Course)
November 7, 2021, Ödyssey Swimrun Austin (Long Course)
April 23, 2022, Swimrun Lake James (Long Course)
July 17, 2022, Ödyssey Swimrun Casco Bay (Long Course)
July 23, 2022, Folsom Swimrun (Long Course)
September 5, 2022, ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship
October 16, 2022, SwimrunNC
November 6, 2022, Ödyssey Swimrun Austin (Long Course)
July 9, 2023, Ödyssey Swimrun Casco Bay (Long Course)
July 29, 2023, Folsom Swimrun (Chipper Solo: Short Course & Long Course!)
September 4, 2023, ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship
November 12, 2023, Ödyssey Swimrun/ÖTILLÖ Austin (Long Course)
June 9, 2024, Bellingham Swimrun (Long Course)
July 7, 2024, ÖTILLÖ Whistler (World Series Distance)
July 27, 2024, Folsom Swimrun (Short Course & Long Course)
August 11, 2024, ÖTILLÖ Casco Bay (World Series Distance)
November 3, 2024, ÖTILLÖ Austin (Chris raced with Viv Mroz: World Series Distance)
(Tentative Race Schedule)
April 27, 2025, ÖTILLÖ Catalina (World Series Distance)
June 1, 2025, Bellingham Swimrun (Long Course)
July 6, 2025, ÖTILLÖ Whistler (World Series Distance)
July 26, 2025, Folsom Swimrun (Short Course & Long Course)
August 10, 2025, ÖTILLÖ Casco Bay (World Series Distance)
September 20, 2025, Swimrun Cape Cod (Chris Solo: Medium/Long Course)
November 9, 2025, ÖTILLÖ Austin (World Series Distance)
Press, Appearances & Recognitions
March 2020 - Swimrun, Sweden's Island-to-Island Race, Comes to America - The New York Times
March 2020 - Who the Heck are the Low Tide Boyz? - Swimrun Life Magazine
July 2020 - Le Premier Podcast de Swimrun Par Les Löw Tide Böyz - TriMax Magazine (French)
November 2020 - The Löw Tide Böyz Take Us On a Swimrun Adventure - The Runners of the Bay Podcast
September 2022 - ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2022 - Dry Robe Journal
January 2023 - 2022 Swimrun Maven Award (for individual(s) who has widened participation, awareness and growth of the sport) - Swimrun.com
September 2023 - Swimrun, a zany, growing Swedish sport, takes over Orcas Island - The Seattle Times
June 2024 - Bellingham Swimrun Competitors Take Over Lake Padden - Cascadia News
August 2024, The Ins and Outs of Swimrun (& Why It’s One of the Fastest Growing Endurance Sports) with The Löw Tide Böyz - Effortless Swimming Podcast
Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you enjoy our podcast and want to get the word out about your brand, race or service to our growing fan base of listeners? Then help us support our mission of growing the sport of Swimrun by sponsoring our podcast. Sponsorship is exclusive meaning that we’ll only have one sponsor per episode.
Sponsorship Details and Rates
Sponsorship includes the following:
an announcement of sponsorship in our weekly episode newsletter
a 60-90 second live ad read at the start of the show
30-60 second live ad read at the end of the show
inclusion in the show notes with hyperlinks for any promotions
rates are determined based on length of sponsorship
Note: We only accept sponsorships for brands, products and services that align with our values and think will be of interest to our listeners.
To learn more, see our rates, and/or just chat about sponsorship, please email us at lowtideboyz@gmail.com.
Credits & Thanks
Podcast music provided courtesy of the awesome folks at RidingEasy Records.
Website Photography courtesy of wedding and Swimrun photographer Mark L. Simmons and other public sources.
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