All the Way: The Making of Swimrun Champions

Produced and Directed by Carl Eneroth

If you missed the Encore and US Premiere of All the Way you can still rent or buy the film on Vimeo below.

all the way - 9 dec 20 poster 12.png

Film Synopsis (from

From award-winning documentary filmmaker Carl Eneroth at Sthlm Social Innovation Lab comes All the Way. A heart-pounding, intimate and mind expanding portrait of Swimrun team Pontus Lindberg and George Bjälkemo, as they prepare for their ultimate challenge… winning the 75 km ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championships in the Stockholm archipelago… in trail shoes and a wetsuit.

Considered as one of the toughest one-day endurance races on the planet, it is the origin of Swimrun. 65 km of trail running and 10 km of open water swimming over some 25 rocky islands in whatever conditions nature offers on Race day. Succeeding in that challenge takes years of training. And hours of pain.

All the Way is an exploration into what it takes to be a Swimrun champion, apart from hard training, as well as an inspiring portrait of a freedom seeking sub-culture craving for a direct, uncontrolled experience of nature, pushing beyond their own limits to feel more alive.

As the Swimrun athletes approach Race day so does the living memory of their past victories and setbacks, grappling with the question of why invest so much time and effort in a sport with little economic returns. The answers suggest keys to unlock the hero in us, turning the epic Race into an adventure of timeless dimensions. 

The result is a celebration of the co-operative side of human nature, flipping the idea of ”survival of the fittest” to ”survival of the friendliest” when Swimrunners show the way.

The Director Carl Eneroth (born 1967) runs Stockholm Social Innovation Lab ( since 2016, producing content for online executive education and making documentaries, always with storytelling at the core. Documentaries covering topics such as climate change, human rights, mental health and civil courage, as well as exploring states of flow and co-creation in sub-cultures like choirs, street dance, theatres and endurance sports. His short documentaries have been screened in Sweden, Japan and USA. The sports documentary ”All the Way” is his first feature film. Listen to Carl as he talks about why he did the film and what he hopes people will get out of it. 

Extra LTBz Content About the Film

LTBz Film Review

Finally, if you want our thoughts on the film, check out our review of the film.

Welcome to the inaugural LTBz Go To the Movies episode where we review the film All the Way: The Making of Swimrun Champions. This film chronicles the journey of George Bjälkemo and Pontus Lindberg as they prepare for the ÖTILLÖ World Championship.

George Bjälkemo & Pontus Lindberg

If you want to learn more about G & P before the premiere, check out our interview with them after they completed the 3-day crossing of the entire Stockholm Archipelago.

Director Carl Eneroth

Check out our interview with the director of All the Way, Carl Eneroth. We loved this episode and chatting with Carl made us love the film even more.

We are the Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun team based in Northern California. Our podcast is a window into the sport of Swimrun that we want to grow in the U.S. We'll share our love for sport while chronicling our own training and racing adventures, interview race directors, athletes and other folks in the space and try to have a lot of fun in the process.

George Bjälkemo & Pontus Lindberg (Round 2)

We chatted with G & P specifically about the film All the Way and dive into a lot of details not captured in the film.

Rasmus Lodenius

If you loved the ÖTILLÖ race footage featured in All the Way, then you will love our interview with Rasmus Lodenius, A.K.A., the man behind all those amazing short films that we watch over and over.

Welcome to episode thirty-nine of the Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun Podcast! On this week's show we the Martin Scorsese of Swimrun hype films; the one and only Rasmus Lodenius. If you've ever been on YouTube at 2:30 am geeking out on Swimrun videos, there's a good chance that you've been turned on to the sport by Rasmus and his team.