Löw Tide Böyz, a Swimrun Podcast

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Team Strömgren

Team Strömgren

Welcome to episode 161 of the Löw Tide Böyz - A Swimrun Podcast!

First, happy Swimrun Christmas for everyone vying for a slot to the 2023 ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship!

We are officially kicking off the third edition of Partners Month, wherein we highlight one of our favorite aspects of Swimrun: teams! First up this month are Annika Westin and Marie Anderzén, A.K.A. Team Strömgren. We’ve been following these ladies in our Strava Club for a long time and we were lucky enough to finally meet them in person in Sweden last year. This was a great conversation and we can’t wait to share it with you! 

But first…

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Training Update

The base building continues and Chris’s existential dread from not being able to swim for about another month is causing him anxiety. Despite that, we’re looking forward to training together more often on land until Chris finally is back in the pool/ocean.


Our shoutout this week goes out to the country of Switzerland. They recently cracked our top ten list for downloads by county and we’re for it. We will hopefully be “there for it” in Engadin in 2024.  

Wisdom Nugget of the Week

“Rest is honoring your body and its need to repair physically. It is also essential for recharging your emotional and spiritual batteries. It is the partner to work. When joined together these two powerful forces create magnificence in life.” - Mark Allen

Feats of Endurance

This week’s winner is our friend, previous guest, and Kanchō Bōy Addison. He posted a magical snow running adventure from his native Boulder and it looked…magical! Keep up the good work buddy. (Check out the Kancho Boyz interview from last year’s Partners Month on Episode 110 of the show.)

Make sure to sign up for our LTBz Strava Club and join Swimrunners from around the world as they train for stuff.

This Week in Swimrun

Now for the “news.”

There’s really only one piece of news for the week and that is the results of the ÖTILLÖ Ranking Selection for this year’s Swimrun World Championship were announced today. Congratulations to everyone that qualified! For those that just missed out, don’t lose heart. We’ve heard a bunch of stories of teams getting the call/email that a slot opened up for them as late as July and August. 

In meme news, there will be a lot of memes posted on the LTBz account today so head over these for all the hilarity.

Finally, want to join us for a great tune up race for ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship? Then sign up for Ödyssey Casco Bay in July 9th. For our European listeners, consider this our invitation to you to plan a trip to America and experience the best of U.S. Swimrunning. Plus, there’s a post-race party hosted by a certain team whose name ends in a “z’.”

That’s it for this week. Reach out to us if there’s any Swimrun news that you’d like for us to share on the show.

Show Business

Partners month is being supported by our friends at Precision Fuel and Hydration. We’ve been using their products for years and swear by them. Their website is a wealth of information on all things hydration, fueling and training and they offer free consultations with their nutritionists to help you dial in your plan for your upcoming event. Want to see what all the fuss is about? Use the code in the hyperlink to save 15% off of your first order.

Team Strömgren

It was so much fun to chat with Annika and Marie. We only got to chat with them briefly in Sweden and it was great to get their Swimrun origin story and chat about their adventures as a team. We love their enthusiasm and think that everyone will get some wisdom nuggets from their team approach.


That’s it for this week’s show. If you are enjoying the Löw Tide Böyz, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player and leave us a five-star review. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, and on YouTube. You can also follow our meme page on Instagram. Email us at lowtideboyz@gmail.com with any feedback and/or suggestions. Finally, you can support our efforts on Patreon…if you feel so inclined.

Thanks for listening and see you out there!

-  Chip and Chris

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